Many families decide to nominate a charity to receive donations in the memory of the person who has died. This can be done in lieu of, or in addition to floral tributes.
Once a charity has been chosen, we can offer to set up on an online donation page before the funeral. This can be shared by email or social media. All of the donations are listed alongside any messages for the family. This platform also gives a chance for gift aid to be added to the donation. A link for the page can also be printed on the order of service if one is being produced.
Alternatively, cheques can be received by post, or handed to the funeral director on the day of the funeral. We would also print the name of the charity and our address on the back page of the order of service for reference after the funeral has taken place so that cheques could be forwarded care of Holmes & Family funerals directors.
4 weeks after the funeral the donations are collated, and a letter is sent to the family to notify them of the total amounts.
If you would like advice of which charities to support, we can certainly help.
We value the important work that hospices do in our local communities. If you would like to support your local hospice, we can arrange for them to supply envelopes for the day of the funeral. This enables those attending to make a direct donation in memory of the person who has died.